
The Ultimate Universal Suit.

Recently our new Ventuno 21 men’s suit range has landed in store and online. Among this amazingly fresh collection of contemporary tailoring is a burgundy slim fit heritage suit, ideal for weddings, the office, impressing at meetings and special occasions, it really is the universal suit.

You might be thinking what makes this suit so special? Well firstly the geoprint lining is one like no other, we’ve not seen anybody use this lining before, secondly the printed hanky that you see in the top breast pocket matches the lining but not only that, its stitched into the pocket so you can pull it out when necessary and tuck it in when it doesn’t match the tie you want to wear. If it were us wearing it then we’d always expose the hanky, it’s so on trend at the moment.

You can pair this suit with many a shirt and tie/bowtie combination, you can even wear it with an open collar and flaunt the hanky to give you a cutting edge.

The jacket can also be worn with jeans and a tshirt or polo shirt for the weekend look too.


Posted December 3rd, 2012 in Uncategorised.

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