
How to go back to work in style


You’ve had your fill of turkey and have just about recovered from New Year’s Eve, but now it’s time to go back to work. If you’ve got today off, we suggest using the time you’ll probably spend on the sofa to plan an outfit for tomorrow that’ll look like you mean business. Nobody has to know you’re still in holiday mode.

Let’s start with the basics. A well-cut grey suit is a failsafe in your working week wardrobe and its familiarity will give you a welcome bit of reassurance as you gear yourself up for your first week back. Pick one in a tailored fit such as Moss 1851 . Cut with a natural shoulder line and a narrower waist, it’ll streamline your silhouette even if you did clear the house out of mince pies last week. The 2-piece suit will always look sharp but adding a waistcoat will give you two benefits. Firstly, it’ll make you look particularly pulled-together but it’ll also add an extra layer of warmth until the office heating kicks back in after the holidays.

Grey will go with any colour so if you’re feeling optimistic, plump for a shirt in an uplifting shade. Feeling like you need a bit of comfort to ease you back into work? If your office dress code allows it, try layering something smart but snug like a roll neck merino jumper under your suit jacket. Our advice is to stick to the classics and pair your suit with a crisp white shirt and an elegant blue tie. Finish your look off with polished shoes and the new pair of socks that you’ve inevitably received and you’re good to go.


Posted January 2nd, 2017 in Style.

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