
Meet the brand: Reda

Style with standards.



Founded in 1865 by namesake Carlo Reda on a foundation of respect for the environment and its resources, Italy’s award-winning Reda mill sets the benchmark for sustainable manufacturing.

Family-owned to this day, Reda operates vertically, meaning it controls every step of its production chain. That spans from the farms that grow its fleece through to dying, spinning, weaving, washing and finishing its fabrics to exacting standards, all at its Biella, Italy-based mill.

Every season at Moss, we source Reda fabrics woven with their traceable merino wool that’s transparently made with care for the planet, its people and its resources.

Believing that good processes result in good raw materials, Reda meticulously sources its fleece from accredited growers who meet its strict standards for animal welfare and respect for the environment. It helped set up the SustainaWOOL integrity scheme to promote and reward sustainable farming practices in Australia, strengthening its ability to vouch for and trace its wool right back to its origins.

And it’s not just at the source: sustainability is at the heart of Reda’s entire production process – from using solar-powered water filtration systems to state-of-the-art machinery that minimises waste, to recycling scraps as raw materials for other companies. In fact, Reda was the first fabric mill in Europe to get EMAS certification (the EU’s eco-management and audit scheme) for continually improving its environmental performance.

Reda x Moss suits are made with the same tailoring expertise we’re known for, and the merino wool-blend fabrics Reda is famous for that are 100% renewable and biodegradable. They’re also naturally breathable and wrinkle-resistant. We’ve tailored each suit to a slim fit, and we’ve added slanted pockets, a traditional Italian detail. Choose one of these suits, and you’ll be wearing it for seasons to come.

Posted June 15th, 2023 in Style.

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