
How to wear pleated trousers

They’re not just for the working week.



Words: C. Stewart


Pleated trousers are so much more than just officewear, ticking off comfort and style in a few neatly placed tucks.

First worn after the first world war, the pleated trouser was most popular in the 40s and 50s, then in favour again during the 70s and 80s. Now, in place of the skinny fits of the mid-noughties (and especially post-pandemic) men are dressing for comfort with looser fits and shapes – and the pleated trouser fits the bill.




The pleats add extra room, boosting comfort for whatever you’ve got going on. More space is also handy if you’ve got bigger legs or don’t want to feel restricted when you sit down.

Style yours for days out with a spring-hued cotton t-shirt to straddle the comfy/stylish line. If the weather isn’t quite there for t-shirts but a sweatshirt’s going to make you, well, sweat, add a lightweight jacket or overshirt. If you’re not quite sure which is which, check out our handy guide on jackets vs overshirts to learn about the differences between the two.


When the invitation calls for something a little sharper, a single or double-breasted jacket is a good vintage-inspired partner to pleated trousers. Style yours open over a t-shirt for a more relaxed take, or try a denim shirt to add a bit of contrast. This look works well for more casual settings, but still keeps you looking like you’ve made an effort.


Moss - slim fit brown check linen trousers


As the weather gets warmer, a pair of pleated linen trousers will do the trick. Lightweight and airy, they’ll see you through work, weekends and even trips abroad. These ones have a matching jacket, but can easily be styled with a crisp white tee to relax things a bit. Add a linen shirt for an even breezier feel.

Posted March 25th, 2024 in Style.

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