We have teamed up with The Refinery for our most recent Moss 1851 campaign to bring you the top tips on grooming. The Refinery is London’s one-stop grooming emporium for men. Established in January 2000 they offer barbering, skincare and spa treatments in exclusive luxury retreats in Mayfair, Harrods and Knightsbridge.
Here are their top tips for beards and skincare.
Top Tips for Beards
The style of beard for 2014 is all about the natural look. An overly maintained beard can look a little too considered. However, this does not mean that the beard looks after itself. Chris Foster, Artistic Director of The Refinery Grooming Emporiums, gives these five recommendations for a healthy, well-groomed beard:
1. Cleanse – this should be done twice a day using a water soluble foaming face wash. This not only cleanses the beard but allows the beard to absorb it through to the skin therefore promoting good skin health.
2. Condition – beard hair should be treated the same as the hair on the head. Following a good cleanse the hair should be conditioned. For a heavy beard use aromatherapy conditioner. For a lighter beard, any good hair conditioner can be applied, left on for 2/3 minutes and then rinsed off.
3. Exfoliate/Hydrate – once or twice a week, the skin behind the beard should be exfoliated then hydrated. Use a face scrub and mask. The scrub will ensure that all dead skin etc. is washed away and not left in the beard. The mask will hydrate and refresh. There’s nothing worse than beard dandruff.
4. Grooming – the beard should be groomed on a daily basis. Kent brushes have various moustache and beard brushes. Whether you want to carry them in your pocket or leave them on your bathroom shelf, this is one accessory that is vital in the maintenance of a good healthy beard.
5. Cutting – If you want you beard to look its best, a visit to the barber is a necessity and you should visit twice a month for the best results. In between, clippers can be used at home to tidy up any straggly areas.
As you can see, growing a beard is not meant to be a lazy option. The beard and skin beneath have to be kept in tip-top condition. Otherwise it will look dirty and unkempt. However, a well-groomed beard can be very attractive – think George Clooney, Ben Affleck and Hugh Jackman. Although, Ben clearly needs some help with his bow tie!
Top Tips for Skincare
The Refinery also offer up five to tips on the importance and best way to look after your skin;
1. The basis of a good regime for daily skincare is efficient cleansing. It’s always best to discuss your skin type with an expert before buying a cleansing product. Gels tend to be more efficient when used on oily skin and creams are better for skin prone to dryness. Many men like to feel that they’ve had their face washed, so using a cleanser that can be washed off is the best option.
2. Most skin types need extra help with deep down cleansing. Blocked pores can lead to spots and blackheads. For a more oily skin, try exfoliating with the face scrubs twice a week. For a more dry or sensitive skin, once a week is adequate.
3. Most men don’t understand the importance of moisturising. It’s essential to moisturise daily. There is a misconception that if you have oily skin, moisturiser is not for you. However, the correct use of moisturiser will keep the skin looking fresh and non-oily. A more advanced moisturiser should be used for dry skin both morning and evening to repair damage and keep wrinkles at bay.
4. It’s also important to get a regular facial, ideally every 4-6 weeks. This will maintain the skin in a tip-top condition and a skin expert will be able to deal with any problems such as dull, dehydrated skin, blocked pores, blackheads and skin which is prone to breakouts.
5. One of the most important skin care rules is to hydrate. For example; drink plenty of water, watch your alcohol intake and be mindful of your diet. Plenty of fresh fruit and veg as part of your daily intake will help the quality of your skin and keep it in a good condition.
Now you’ve heard the advice, it’s time to act. Look after yourself.
Moss Bros