
Keep it clean

How to polish your shoes

If you want to know how to take care of your new football boots, you ask Beckham. If you want to know how to polish your shoes for prom, you ask me. A pair of sturdy leathers can last you a lifetime, but not if you knock them about. You’ve got to treat them right. It’s real simple, these are the steps you need to know.


Step 1: Cleanse

Treat your shoes like you treat your face. The key to crack-free, shiny leather is a good old moisturise. First things first, remove the laces (just like you don’t want cream in your hair, you don’t want polish on your laces). Next, wipe away any surface dirt with a brush. Here comes the cleanse. Apply leather conditioner to an old t-shirt and rub in a circular motion. This will fill in your cracks.



Choose a cream or wax based polish in a shade that matches your shoes. If in doubt, go lighter, unless you want to completely change the colour. Apply the polish in a circular motion (like we did with the cleanser), then buff vigorously with a brush and leave your shoes to dry.



In the words of Take That, “let it shine”. But no, seriously. Step one, dab some polish onto the t-shirt, and add a few drops of water onto the leather. Step two, bring the elbow grease. Polish the water away until you’ve got a smooth, shiny, mirror-like finish that would give a member of the military a run for their money.


It’s time to admire your handy work.

Posted March 29th, 2017 in Uncategorised.

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